Many electronic training products use static correction, a harmless electric stimulation designed to get a pet’s attention. Static collars have contact points that touch a pet’s skin. Animals experience a light tingling sensation that surprises them and interrupts their behavior. This surprising effect is often underestimated as a learning tool. When properly used, low levels of stimulation can help even inattentive or stubborn dogs learn quickly.

Training collars and other products that use electric stimulation are actually quite mild when set at low levels. Imagine a slight tickle or light static, like touching a metal doorknob after walking across carpet. The stimulation gets a pet’s attention, similar to a tap on the shoulder.

Finding the Just Right Level of Electric Stimulation

Training your pet begins with setting the collar at the lowest levels. When stimulation is delivered, look for just a small, curious reaction. It may even be as slight as the ears rising a little or the head tilting. The right level is just enough to get a pet’s attention and most learn easily at low levels. Refer to the instructions that come with a specific product for more information.

Modern Products Have Sophisticated Features

The outdated terms “shock” or “shock collar” do not apply to today’s products. Modern electronic training tools have advanced technology to maximize safety and minimize the sensations for a pet. In addition, most products include features that warn the pet with an audible tone or a vibration prior to the static correction. For many pets, the tone or vibration is enough to remind them of what they’ve learned.

Recommended by Vets and Trainers

Properly performed electronic training can be very beneficial and useful in building confidence in a pet. Many respected veterinarians and trainers support static correction as a trustworthy, effective training tool. When used properly, electric stimulation produces fast and reliable learning, without causing physical or emotional trauma to a pet. One animal behavior study on bark control collars found there were absolutely no lingering psychological effects on dogs.

We encourage pet owners to get familiar with the methodology and proper use of any training tools they choose, including static correction.



Lindsay, Stephen R. 2005. Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training, Volume Three: Procedures and Protocols. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Steiss, J.E., Schaffer, C., Ahmad, H.A., and Voith, V.L., 2007, “Evaluation of Plasma Cortisol Levels and Behavior in Dogs Wearing Bark Control Collars.” Applied Animal Behaviour Science 106, pp. 96-106.