REmote training collars


+ What is a remote training collar?

Remote training collars can provide consistent and immediate feedback to your dog and help him focus or refocus on the task at hand. They give you control over your pet, even from a distance, and afford him the freedom he desires.

All remote trainers are intended for two basic purposes:

  • To reinforce behaviors that have already been taught, such as obedience commands like sit, stay and come. E-collar corrections help your dog refocus his attention on you and your command.
  • To correct unwanted behaviors like jumping up and digging. In this way, your dog learns to avoid the correction by avoiding the unwanted behavior.

Remote trainers can also help dogs learn when using a leash is not practical. The collar can serve as a virtual leash, allowing you to give your dog an immediate correction from a longer distance.

+ Are remote training collars just for hunting dogs?

No. It is a misconception that remote trainers are intended for hunting dogs only. They were first introduced as a training aid for hunting dogs, but today’s e-collar is designed for pet dogs, hunting dogs and working dogs.

Most models are designed for a specific type of training based on range and power output. We recommend contacting a qualified trainer or the manufacturer to assist in selecting the proper unit for your needs.

+ Can I do the e-collar training myself, or do I need to find a professional trainer to assist?

The assistance of a competent professional is always helpful, but not mandatory. It’s very important to use remote trainers correctly. If you are doing the training on your own, read the product instructions. Visit the manufacturer’s website or contact the customer service department for additional help.

+ How do I introduce my dog to the e-collar?

Make sure your dog has a basic understanding of a command (like sit or stay) that you’ve taught him while on a leash. Introduce the e-collar only after he understands a command.

  • Once the command is established, turn on the collar and fit it snugly, high up on your dog’s neck near where it meets the jaw. Any other identification collar should be worn below the e-collar. Your dog should be able to breathe freely, but you should be able to feel that the steel contact points are touching his skin.
  • Next, set your transmitter to its lowest level and push a button while your dog is sitting calmly next to you. You’ll know when you’ve found the proper stimulation level when your dog makes a slight response‚ like cocking his ears or becoming more alert. If you don’t see any response, gradually increase stimulation until you do. At no time should your dog vocalize.
  • Once you’ve found your dog’s optimal training level, continue training with both leash and e-collar, pushing a transmitter button as you pull on the leash. Over time, your dog will equate the stimulation from the e-collar with a pull on the leash.

Finally, when the dog consistently obeys commands using the leash and collar, you can remove the leash to train with only the e-collar. Eventually, you can begin giving your dog commands without any stimulation.

+ What does the remote trainer stimulation feel like?

Many describe the stimulation as similar to a static electricity discharge, like when you walk across a carpeted room in socks and touch a metal doorknob. It’s a surprise, but it has no lasting effects. Better yet, feel it for yourself. Set the transmitter unit on its lowest level and grip the dog device with the contact points touching your palm. Most people can barely sense the lowest level.

+ If I'm supposed to use the lowest level possible, then why are there so many different levels on my transmitter?

That’s because dogs, like people, are different, some are more sensitive than others. Also, training a dog in an environment where there are few distractions will usually require a lower level than when many distractions are present (like other people, other animals or an unfamiliar environment). Remember though, even in those settings, it is important to still use the lowest setting possible to get your dog to respond to your command.

+ Will my dog need to be on the remote trainer all his life?

All dogs have different levels of trainability. Some learn lessons quickly and retain them a long time, while others may have lower trainability levels and need the remote trainer presence for a longer period. We find that most dogs fall somewhere in between and may need a periodic brush up with the remote training collar. The e-collar is used for long-term behavior management. It is not a quick fix for your dog’s behavior problems.

+ Can the remote training collar/e-collar burn my dog's skin?

No. The modern e-collar does not produce enough energy to burn tissue. There just isn't enough electrical current produced by the collars to do this. Some dogs are sensitive to the metal used in the e-collar contact points, and that sensitivity can lead to skin conditions if the collar is worn for long periods of time - the same way some humans are sensitive to certain kinds of metal jewelry. That is why PETT advises all e-collar users to remove the collar after eight hours of use and reposition every few hours. When that recommendation is followed, skin conditions very rarely occur. Of course, for any concerns about the physical condition of a dog it is always a good idea to contact a veterinarian for their advice.

+ Will the stimulation from a remote trainer hurt my dog? Is it safe?

Not when used correctly. The trainer should always start with the lowest level of stimulation possible and gradually work up as necessary. You’ll know when you've found the proper stimulation level when your dog makes a slight response, like cocking his ears or becoming more alert.


Pet Containment systems


+ What is a pet containment system?

A hidden pet containment fence is a pet fencing system that uses an electronic radio signal transmitted through a buried wire or wireless system to keep your dog in a designated area, such as a yard. The buried wire is used to create a specific containment area.

+ How do containment systems work?

The system includes:

  • A transmitter, usually mounted in your basement or garage
  • A receiver collar that the dog wears
  • A wire connected to the transmitter (unless the system is wireless)

The wire, which is usually buried in the yard, carries a low-level radio signal around the containment area. If the pet gets too close to the wire, the receiver on the dog’s collar detects the radio signal. Most systems are programmed to have the receiver alert the dog with a sound or a vibration when he gets too close to the boundary wire. If the dog continues to move closer to the boundary wire and does not retreat when he hears the alert, the receiver emits an uncomfortable but harmless correction to reinforce the training to retreat. Most properly trained pets learn to retreat from the warning alert before entering the correction area.

+ Will a hidden fence system work with any dog?

Hidden fence systems generally work with all breeds and sizes of dogs. However, there are circumstances in which the use of electronic training systems may not be appropriate. They are not typically recommended in these cases:

  • Dogs under six months of age
  • Dogs that are pregnant or nursing
  • Dogs with health problems, especially heart disease
  • Dogs unable to respond appropriately due to injury, illness, age or senility
  • Dogs that display aggressive tendencies
  • Dogs with anxiety disorders

As with any training tool, if a pet owner has any doubts, it is a good idea to consult a veterinarian or training professional for advice on how to proceed.

+ Will the system work for more than one dog?

Yes. Most hidden fence systems will accommodate more than one pet. Each pet wears his own receiver collar.

+ How big an area will the system cover? What kinds of areas will it cover?

Most systems can cover any size property, from very small to very large. The wire can be installed in a wide variety of terrains, including through streams. Ask the manufacturer or retailer to recommend the proper system for your needs.

+ Does a hidden fence system keep other dogs out?

Hidden fence systems are designed to keep your dog at home. It will not keep other animals from entering the yard.

+ How old does my dog have to be before training begins?

All dogs are different. Even within the same breed some dogs may mature earlier than others. Generally speaking, the dog needs to be six months of age and able to understand and follow basic verbal commands for the training to be successful.

+ How does my dog learn where the boundary is?

Training is an important component of how your pet learns to understand the boundaries of the containment area. With proper training, the dog learns to respect the boundary and to feel comfortable playing within the containment area.

Training includes a combination of voice commands, audible warning signals from the receiver collar and flags in the ground where the pet receives the warning alert. In general:

  • The trainer introduces the dog to the alert area and the correction area. The dog learns that if he approaches the boundary (initially marked by flags) and goes past the audible alert, he gets a correction.
  • To avoid the correction, the dog learns not to approach the designated boundary.
  • As the dog learns where the boundary is, the flags are slowly taken away.
  • By the time the flags are all removed, most dogs understand where the boundary is and have learned not to cross it.
  • The warning alert reminds the dog to stop if he gets too close to the boundary. Most dogs learn this quickly and easily.

+ Can my dog get out of the containment area?

If the initial training was done properly, this rarely happens. It is very important to maintain the batteries in the receiver collar and make sure that the transmitter is fully functional and the boundary wire is intact. Should a pet cross the boundary, additional training may be necessary.

+ Will the correction from the receiver collar harm my dog?

No. The amount of correction can be adjusted so that a dog receives the appropriate level of stimulation for his size and temperament.

+ What if my house loses electrical power?

If you experience a power loss, the radio signal cannot be sent through the wire. Some systems offer an auxiliary power supply that provides a few hours of additional power.